The Spinal Cord

The  brain stem goes directly into the spinal cord, which is encased in the spinal column and is comprised of 31 vertebrae.  Between each two vertebrae are openings where nerves leave the spinal cord. There are posterior neurons that carry information to the spinal cord; anterior neurons  carry information away.

Afferent nerves, also referred to as sensory, carry sensory information to the spinal cord and brain.  The nerve fibers that carry information away are efferent nerves, also referred to as motor nerves, bring commands to the muscles and organs. The connection between the nervous system and the rest of the body comes from these spinal nerves.  The sole connection between the brain and the rest of the body (with the exception of cranial -neck-nerves )is the brain stem and spinal cord.

In an earlier post, I suggested sitting quietly and doing a slow body scan,  from the feet all the way up to the head. If you’d like, you can add one more element.  After you complete the scan, imagine the spinal cord. Try to visualize it, starting from the brain stem and moving down; imagine all the wonderful energy that passes through the spine-stay with this and try to get a sense of it flowing through your body.